Welcome to Your 10 day Vertical Victory- Your path to the peak starts here.
What is this about?
The Vertical Victory is a special 10-day unlimited access pass including rental gear for new customers, where YOU can push your limits and earn free Focus merch.
What happens at the end of my 10 day pass?
On or before the last day of your pass, come in and take your climbing test, where YOU choose the level:
Level 1: climb 3 auto-belay routes of 5.7.
Level 2: climb the test for Level 1, AND 2 auto belay routes of 5.8.
Level 3: climb the test for Level 2, AND 1 auto belay route of 5.9.
When you succeed, you win FREE Focus prizes.
Level 1 prize: Limited Edition Vertical Victory sticker.
Level 2 prize: Focus 3-stripe socks
Level 3 prize: Focus t-shirt/crop-top
VERTICAL VICTORY PASS is ONLY $49* — BUY NOW and Redeem when you arrive for your 1st visit.
* new customers only/non-transferable
This is AMAZING, is there anything else?
Yes! Find your focus, and climb higher– all participants of the Vertical Victory are eligible for a FREE pair of MadRock Rover climbing shoes (retail $79) with every monthly reoccurring membership or 12 month PIF membership.