Executing dynos or dynamic climbing can be a major weakness in many climbers. However, there is a great exercise to gradually build up your contact strength, hand-eye coordination, and confidence.
Consider you have two hold placements- your launching hold (where you start) and your target hold (where you finish). The holds you pick CAN be close enough that you can actually static the move or make the move in one big reach. However, you must execute the movement a specific way– you CANNOT touch the target hold(s) until both hands have left the launching hold(s).
This allows you to pick holds that might be 18 inches apart, but very difficult to stick. Your feet do not need to come off the footholds for it to be a dyno, but they might at the same point. It really depends on the wall angle and placement of all the holds you are using.
Mix up the type of holds you are using, don’t use all jugs (unless you need all jugs). Try going from an incut crimp rail to an underclimg, or two opposing sidepulls to a large sloper. Try and change your angles as well. If you have access to a roof, this works extremely well for dynos into underclimgs. This is a personal exercise that will be different for everyone. Work at your own pace with holds that are challenging, but also allow you to have success.
This is an exercise I like to do 2x per week in addition to other climbing.
Try and make up 10 dynos on your next climbing session.