When getting back into climbing shape, I have always had more luck with building my endurance first, then power-endurance, last power. I end up doing a lot of solo training, and this is another workout that is great, but will more time out of your schedule.
This exercise is called the TOP TEN–a great way to get in volume bouldering. First step is to pick 4 problems at about 75% maximum– similar to what you would pick for 4×4’s. Next, pick 3 problems that are harder than your first 4 problems you picked, and 3 more problems that are easier than your first 4 problems you picked.
Once you have your ten problems (and you have warmed up properly), you are ready to go, so grab a stopwatch.
1st round– climb all 10 problems in 10 minutes- followed by a 10 minute rest. During this rest, you drop the easiest AND hardest climb (regardless of rating). These should be what you felt are the easiest and hardest problems for you.
2nd round– climb all 8 problems in 8 minutes–followed by an 8 minute rest. Same thing, drop the easiest and hardest problems, leaving 6 problems.
3rd round– climb all 6 problems in 6 minutes– followed by a 6 minutes rest. Again, drop the easiest and hardest problems, leaving the first 4 problems you picked.
4th round– climb all 4 problems in 4 minutes–followed by a 4 minutes rest, but this round starts your full set of 4×4’s.
One thing I will do when I start this round of 4×4’s, I will change the order of my problems each round. For example, if my problems are:
ABCD the 1st round, I will climb them BCDA 2nd round, CDAB 3rd round, and DABC 4th round.
POWER HOUR VARIATION: During your rest periods, spend half the time doing:
- 5 pull ups
- 5 V-ups
- 5 Dips
- 5 burpees
So, if you have a 10 minute rest, every minute for five minutes, you try and complete the above.
Good Luck!!