What do I need to do to climb at FOCUS?
All you need to do is show up. We are well set up for first-time indoor rock climbers. If you bring anyone under 18 they absolutely must have a waiver filled out by their parent or court appointed legal guardian. Immediate family members, step-parents and close friends DO NOT COUNT AS LEGAL GUARDIANS. If you are a legal guardian, you will need to provide documentation.
What is bouldering? Bouldering is a fast-growing and social style of rock climbing. Climbers do not use ropes or harnesses, but scale shorter walls above a thick, padded floor. There is very little special knowledge or equipment required to start bouldering, making it fast and easy to learn and enjoy.
What should I bring?
You should wear loose comfortable athletic clothing and comfortable socks. If you have long hair bring something to tie it back. Rental shoes for indoor rock climbing are available for $7. Please- no exposed buttocks/nipples or sport-bra only for your top.
Who can climb? Anyone. One of the great things about climbing is that anyone can excel. Unlike many sports in which only specific body types can excel (like height in basketball) anyone can rock climb. Also, because of the slow, controlled movements involved with indoor rock climbing, many climbers can continue into their 60’s and 70’s.
Can I drop my kids off and go run some errands? Only if your kids are 14 years and older. If your kids are 13 years and under, DIRECT parental supervision is required. Parents are required to notify the manager on duty before leaving their children at Focus. Unattended children 13 years and younger will not be allowed to climb or be in the gym area.
Are there age limitations for kids? Recommended ages are 4 years and up to climb at Focus. Parents with children 6 years old and younger must be with their child/children at all times on bouldering mats and assist them with the auto-belay devices. We have had successful climbing with kids as young as 18months.
Why climb?
Indoor rock climbing is a full body workout. The common conception that climbing is all about upper body strength is completely false. Elegance of balance, movement and economy of strength are much more important. More than anything, rock climbing is fun. It combines the physicality of sport with the analysis of logic games and the mental control of tightrope.
Anyone under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian to enter the gym. Click Here for a copy of the waiver.
*Questions? Please call us at 480 718 5258
For hours and location please click here.