Every 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of the month- Focus will host a different training class, and these clinics are FREE for Focus members.

Signups are “day of” only and are “first come, first serve” basis. Classes start promptly at 730p. If you are late, your space will be given to someone waiting. Clinic size will vary from week-to-week.

These can vary from:

  • Anchor building
  • Beginning Bouldering
  • Rings and antagonistic muscle development
  • Advanced bouldering techniques
  • How to redpoint your project effectively
  • Intro to Blood Flow Restriction (BFR)

March 11th

Name: Intermediate Lead Clmbing

Ability level: 1 year of lead climbing

Availability: 6 spots

Description: This class will focus on some of the smaller techniques that help lead climbers to move and clip more efficiently. We will also cover lead belay tips and tricks. Experience needed, must be familiar with tying in and clipping.

Instructor: Coach Matt

March 18th

Name: Core For Climbers

Ability level: None

Availability: 6 spots

Description: This will not be 1.5 hours of sit ups, but we will be working hard and getting sore with on and off the wall exercises. Core strength is a lot more than abs, and we will cover muscle groups from your neck to your knees. No special experience required.

Instructor: Coach Matt